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Certainty in Diagnosis

Fri, September 15, 2023 6:21 PM

My 13 year old was diagnosed w/Crohn disease for a few weeks now and set up to get Humira every 2 weeks for the rest of his life.
March , 2022 decided to see a GI Doctor to further investigate why my son has discomfort's in stomach - ex: in the morning after start to eat breakfast!
GI doctor recommended a series of usual Tests and there was nothing alarming to him. Lab results showed his Calprotectin about 202 with an Elevated Alert.
Doctor recommended Calm Gummies (Mangnesiun) and we gave him 2 pills (2 X 330 mg) daily and never skipped!
June of 2022, his Calprotctin jumped to 344 .
When April of this year, 2023,  the Doctor saw his Calprotectin had elevated to 592, asked us to have do Ondoscopy, Colonoscopy & MRE.
MRE was normal but based on one location biopsy: "Terminal ileum, biopsy: Moderate chronic active ileitis" our GI doctor referred us to a Crohn desease doctor who immediately has prescribed Humira injection every two weeks.

2 weeks after we are prescribed with this injection a new Calprotectin result in September of this year, 2023, is down to: 283 H.
Note: seeing no improvement in lab results, we decided to stop Calm Gummies 660mg nightly, since July.

Before we were referred to Crohn doctor, our GI doctor had requested us to have Capsule Enduscopy but was rejected by Insurance, since no sign of:
Persistent abdominal pain of greater than 4 weeks; AND
Persistent diarrhea; AND
Unintentional weight loss; AND
Negative stool cultures.
Other than occasional discomfort with no changes in past 2 years, he is not taking any drugs for any other reason and I'm afraid to have him start w/ Humira injections, if this inflammation could be for any other reasons and may not progress?
Only based on above described biopsy can I be certain this is caused by Crohn disease?

Joined Sep 15, 2023

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