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My UC journey and progress

Wed, September 27, 2023 5:07 AM

Hello all! I’m new here, I’ve been diagnosed with UC early this month and it has been a rollercoaster of emotions.
In June of this year I started to have diarrhea out of nowhere so I thought it might’ve been something I ate, but symptoms persisted so I knew something was wrong. The symptoms at this point were mainly 2-4 BM per day (no urgency) and blood. But in August it got worse: +10 BM per day, blood and a lot of urgency. I had my colonoscopy on the 1st of September and was diagnosed with colitis (still waiting for my appointment to check the biopsy results to define if it is infectious or ulcerative, most likely to be UC).
I’m taking Salofalk Granules 3g and I’ve seen a lot of improvement with them. On my 6th day of treatment I went from 10+ BM per day to 5-6 BM (still with urgency, but I was so happy to see results so fast). The week after my stool were more consistent and on the next week it went down to 2-4 BM per day and was maintaining this “rhythm” and also without urgency, but I’m a bit more gassy, some gas still come with mucus other than that everything was great, till monday. 
This weekend I went camping and was very careful with what I ate, only chicken breast with some iced tea. Sunday came and everything is good I made myself a Spanish tortilla for dinner but then on monday I went from my 2-3 BM to 7! I know a bad day can happen, and I should only be worried if symptoms persist for more time (my stool is still a type 4 so I’m not that worried) I was so scared of having lost all my progress I just felt like crying, this is all so frustrating.
Yesterday i got better, had two BM in the morning and no other during the day, 
Today I saw my first type 3 stool! Definitely a transition type stool, since it looked a bit like a type 4 but it had crack on the surface. 
Not a specific question or directed post. I wanted to vent about my bad day on monday and also share the improvements from yesterday and today :) Would love to hear some you you guys out!

FPO Bonbon
Joined Sep 27, 2023

Sat, March 02, 2024 2:27 PM

Reply posted for Bonbon.

Ahhh you posted this the day after my birthday I'm so sorry about your diagnosis and hope things start to look up for you shortly sending post it I've vibes your way 

FPO gameofcrohns42
Joined May 11, 2023

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