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Karlee Ausk, MD

associate director of the Swedish IBD Center

Q: I am currently on Lialda, Canasa, 6-MP, Simponi, levsinex, VSL#3 and miralax. I’m allergic to Remicade and after a year humira didn't help anymore. My stool is mostly formed but the issue is mucous and blood leakage especially when passing gas and before each BM. I’m trying non RX such as l-glutamine and amp floracel. Are there other treatment alternative options?

A: Curcumin has had some evidence showing benefit for mild symptoms. There are other alternative therapies that you will read about on the internet, but they do not have traditional evidence showing benefit in inflammatory bowel disease. That does not mean that they don’t work, but we just do not know enough about them to be able to recommend them at this point. I always recommend keeping your provider involved so that they are aware of everything that you are taking (even supplements). In addition, it is possible that your symptoms are mostly rectal and a topical mesalamine suppository or enema could be helpful. hide answer