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Lesley Stanford, MS, RD, CSP

Pediatric Nutritionist, Duke University Medical Center

Q: I am having my first flare up of Collagenous Colitis since first being diagnosed 1 year ago. My GI doctor said to stay on a bland diet and Bismuth therapy for 8 weeks. What exactly is a bland diet? I just added Gluten free Bread to my diet. Are there other foods I need to add to my diet?

A: A bland diet is a meal plan that includes foods that are easy to digest. Choose foods that are low in fat, low in fiber, and easy to chew. A bland diet often consists of foods that are mild in flavor. Spicy foods should be avoided. A bland diet is generally a diet to exclude, not a diet to add foods. It might be useful to keep a food diary to identify any possible food triggers. hide answer

Q: My daughter was diagnosed with UC in December 2017. She is currently taking Apriso and ProctoFoam. Her symptoms have decreased at times, but not always and she is currently experiencing diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fatigue. I have heard from some people mention Tumeric for fighting inflammation throughout the body. What are your thoughts on Turmeric for UC patients?

A: Anytime a patient is interested in adding an herbal supplement or botanical, discuss with your medical team. Tumeric is derived from the rhizome of a plant from the ginger family. It has been used in Asia to season food. It has a bright yellow color. Curcumin is a compound found in turmeric and it has been touted for its anti-inflammatory effects. There are some studies that indicate mucosal healing with the addition of turmeric/curcumin to medications. Turmeric in amounts that have been tested are generally safe when taken orally. High doses may cause GI symptoms. Check the commercial products for any additional ingredients. hide answer

Q: I have Crohn's disease and have read about the benefits of drinking celery juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Do you recommend trying it? Also can juicing fruits and veggies (as opposed to eating them) be a good way to get the nutrients they provide?

A: I have not read any evidence-based journal articles about celery juice. I cannot recommend celery juice. Juicing fruits and vegetables is popular. Juicing is not any healthier than eating whole fruits and vegetables. If you prefer to juice, consider making smoothies by adding yogurt to the homemade juice. hide answer

Q: I’m trying to learn more out about diet for my Crohn’s Disease. I know it says to stay away from sugars but are there any sugars allowed? Like regular sugar just not processed?

A: No one diet has been scientifically proven to manage Crohn’s disease. Some patients are interested in carbohydrate restriction like the specific carbohydrate diet, gluten-free diet, and FOD Map diet. Some patients have seen reduction in GI symptoms when they modify their diets. Always discuss with your medical team. hide answer