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Joel Rosh, MD

Director, Pediatric Gastroenterology Vice Chairman, Clinical Development and Research Affairs at Goryeb Children's Hospital/Atlantic Health Professor of Pediatrics at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Q: My 23 year old son was diagnosed with severe ulcerative colitis. My question is what to expect after we get his current situation under control. The priority is getting him better but am wondering if he will be able to return to his job as an apprentice lineman when he is in remission. He works long hours outside in the heat? I am worried about him getting dehydrated spending so many hours in the sun.

A: I am sorry that he is having to go through this and want to reassure you that remission = normal. So your health-related concerns would be the same as for anyone else who has a demanding job. Your priorities are exactly correct—first the remission. Once that is there, he should wear sunscreen, cool clothing and stay well hydrated—same as everyone else on the line! hide answer